Hi, I am Irina

A photographer, writer and life-explorer with a 15-years background in digital marketing, entrepreneurship and leadership.

Among different projects, I was a co-creator and photo editor in wedding magazine, organised photo sessions for managing directors and teammates, my photos were published in German startup newspaper.

I lived most of my grown up life in the cities — my hometown Moscow (Russia), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) and Munich (Germany).

Through my travelling and seeing different ways of living, I found myself in a place where I did not want to live in the cities anymore and remembered my childhood dream to live in the country side closer to nature.

Now we live with my partner in the Italian Alps most of the year and spend our winters on the seaside.

I would like to share the experience and emotions from this path to inspire you to look at your own place with new point of view and though this to know yourself better.

Italy is mostly perceived as a touristic place, and it is easy to get trapped by her history, souvenirs and pizza…but it is far from all you can find here.

Italy is a seaside during winter when you can go along the coast for 10 km meeting only fish men, Italy is when you missed your last bus home, and a random driver picks you up and drives fast to catch up with the bus; Italy is meeting cyclists on the road to climb the new path together. It is about local people and simple way of life — about stove smell during winter and traffic jams on the roads due to sheep or cows.

This is what you will find here — simple life stories though the frame.

Have a project in mind?

I work with different types of projects within the intersection of documentary, natural & street photography and the connection between people and nature. Open to personal or commercial projects in Italy and beyond.